Tuesday 5 February 2008


For our seminar today we had to photograph ourselves dressed up as what we wanted to be when we were little! I saw this as a great opportunity to have some fun.. 

Monday 4 February 2008

Monday Blues

I've been feeling a bit homesick lately and my flatmate kindly made me a paper cat just like the ones I have back home. Well, not JUST like the ones back home but the sentiment was there :P

Friday 1 February 2008

I'm Monica / OCD

I go through these random phases where I just clean everything! My flatmates think I'm crazy. Well, maybe I am. But if I'm feeling a bit low I just tidy and clean and it seems to help so much. Who knows why? Something about having a tidy room = having a tidy mind. Yes. It makes sense.

Thursday 31 January 2008


I knew wearing shoes with no grip was going to finally kill me! Or at least give me a sore foot... Woke up this morning unable to walk :( So instead of hobbling impossibly to the tutorial I went to A&E where they told me I just had "swollen tissue"?? I don't know. So I had to sit in all day taking painkillers and doing mundane things like crosswords. I didn't want to sit in my room so I spent time in the kitchen with my flatmates with my foot up on a chair.. crosswords are quite fun really.

Wednesday 30 January 2008

Equestrian Club

I haven't been horse-riding for the past two weeks as I've been low on money. Definatly going to start again soon though. I still want to include it in my blog, however, as it's something I'm hugely passionate about. Here are two of the rossettes we got at the competition we had at the start of term!

Tuesday 29 January 2008


I've felt really childish today! So I decided to represent this through my Japanese (Russian doll style) doll toy things. The bright colours and the fact that they're dolls emphasise the mood I'm in! I'm not sure that this is a good link to the rest of the project... but looking back on my childhood IS something I love doing. I miss it so!

Monday 28 January 2008

My boring life

I haven't really been clear about my intended idea for this blog. I wanted to express the little mudane things in my life that I'm strangely passionate about. I get excited about the tinest thing and certain silly things can put me in a good mood. For example, I've read this book so many times. Things that are familiar to me are so comforting that I love going back to them and reliving all the feelings again and again.