Tuesday 5 February 2008


For our seminar today we had to photograph ourselves dressed up as what we wanted to be when we were little! I saw this as a great opportunity to have some fun.. 

Monday 4 February 2008

Monday Blues

I've been feeling a bit homesick lately and my flatmate kindly made me a paper cat just like the ones I have back home. Well, not JUST like the ones back home but the sentiment was there :P

Friday 1 February 2008

I'm Monica / OCD

I go through these random phases where I just clean everything! My flatmates think I'm crazy. Well, maybe I am. But if I'm feeling a bit low I just tidy and clean and it seems to help so much. Who knows why? Something about having a tidy room = having a tidy mind. Yes. It makes sense.

Thursday 31 January 2008


I knew wearing shoes with no grip was going to finally kill me! Or at least give me a sore foot... Woke up this morning unable to walk :( So instead of hobbling impossibly to the tutorial I went to A&E where they told me I just had "swollen tissue"?? I don't know. So I had to sit in all day taking painkillers and doing mundane things like crosswords. I didn't want to sit in my room so I spent time in the kitchen with my flatmates with my foot up on a chair.. crosswords are quite fun really.

Wednesday 30 January 2008

Equestrian Club

I haven't been horse-riding for the past two weeks as I've been low on money. Definatly going to start again soon though. I still want to include it in my blog, however, as it's something I'm hugely passionate about. Here are two of the rossettes we got at the competition we had at the start of term!

Tuesday 29 January 2008


I've felt really childish today! So I decided to represent this through my Japanese (Russian doll style) doll toy things. The bright colours and the fact that they're dolls emphasise the mood I'm in! I'm not sure that this is a good link to the rest of the project... but looking back on my childhood IS something I love doing. I miss it so!

Monday 28 January 2008

My boring life

I haven't really been clear about my intended idea for this blog. I wanted to express the little mudane things in my life that I'm strangely passionate about. I get excited about the tinest thing and certain silly things can put me in a good mood. For example, I've read this book so many times. Things that are familiar to me are so comforting that I love going back to them and reliving all the feelings again and again.

Saturday 26 January 2008

Fatty Food Addict Motto

I found this in the bottom of my wardrobe! Me and my best friend from home bought them before we came to Uni actually believing that people would be all professional and apron-clad whilst cooking. I loved this one as I always use the phrase "the diet starts tomorrow" or something to that effect. Eg last night I ate a whole packet of scones, a big bag of Doritos, other people's leftovers.. oh God it's embarrassing. I just told myself today I'd be good. Yeah. Whatever. Food is a big passion of mine I believe. But I can't cook. Hmm.

Friday 25 January 2008

Fairy Tale World

Ahhh yes. Musicals. I LOVE THEM! I sometimes wish I lived in one. Which is why I sing from them constantly in everyday life but I just get weird looks. Because I need to accept that life ISN'T all smiles and singing =( which is why when I'm in the tranquility of my own room I can listen to all the songs of the world; Hairspray, West Side Story, Rent, Phantom of the Opera... Oh YES! A very good form of escapism indeed.

Thursday 24 January 2008

Eddie Izzard again..

This time it is my photograph! I really hate computers... So yeah.. (as Mr. Izzard would say). In this particular show he actually does a bit about how annoying computers are and I must say it cheered me up! "It's 5 in the morning it's only a paragraph!! PRINT!!" It happens to us all. That's what I love about stupid comedy things. They make you feel normal..ish.

Wednesday 23 January 2008


No I didn't take this photograph. It's a still from the DVD "Dress To Kill". I actually took my own photograph of my Eddie Izzard DVDs as I wanted to express my undying love for him and his comedy! He makes me happy... He's so surreal and crazy! You don't get a lot of that sort of humour nowadays. The reason you can't see my photograph is because for some unknown reason my laptop won't let me load the photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And my charger keeps giving up so I've got to be quick before the whole thing shuts off and I can't get back on EVER AGAIN!

Tuesday 22 January 2008

Life Drawing

As well as photography, drawing is a huge passion of mine. I didn't get into photography until sixth form and became hooked on it, so I feel as though I've neglected my love of drawing! My friend invited me along to a life drawing class. I did life drawing in college and loved it! Not that the naked guy appeals to me in any way! Don't get the wrong idea! I just love how you have to capture the curves, lines and shadows of the human form.

Monday 21 January 2008

Wine and Dine...

Yes. Drinking is a very big hobby of mine! As it is to most typical students. Linking back to the idea of escapism, I love how it can make the most mundane things seem amazing. I'm such a shy person so I love how alcohol can help me break through my self-conciousness. Of course, it also has its downsides...

Friday 18 January 2008

Friends again...

Not a great photograph but an example of me watching my favourite show of all time!! This = happiness. YES I'LL GET SOMETHING MORE INTERESTING SOON! But this makes me happy... I need a life.

Ahhhh brew

After walking back from town today I decided to relax with a cup of tea! I actually spilt it all over me shortly after this photo was taken so the relaxing didn't really happen. Anyway, relaxing and tea are two of my favourite things so this kinda fits into the theme. I intend to get more interesting photos over the weekend though...

Thursday 17 January 2008


My bed. Oh how I love it. After our tutorial today I climbed into this bad boy and stayed there til 6! Pure heaven...


I've decided that for my theme I'm going to photograph things that mean a lot to me or that I'm "passionate" about. I would have loved to do a project just on horses but its so difficult to get down there except for Wednesdays. I'll also photograph the things that I've done that particular day so I'm still documenting.
Yes. I'm passionate about Friends! I know it's pathetic and a bit sad but that's my form of escapism. I swear that show gets me through anything no matter how crap I feel! I know the scripts by heart but I still laugh hysterically.

Wednesday 16 January 2008

Super Horse!!!!!!

Yeah... he looks like he's flying. I love it. Not as high (this was the height I jumped hehe). But it's still tiring.

Look of concentration...

Another jumping photo! I love the look on her face!

3ft.. eek

The advanced jumps were a little higher... It actually doesn't look that high looking at it now in a photograph. But it's scary when you're right up close. If you watched the Olympia show (of death..) over Christmas then this will seem like nothing! I don't think I'll ever go higher than 3ft... 7ft would kill me I think!

Equestrian Club!

Every Wednesday I go horse-riding with the NTU Equestrain Club (I don't care if you think it's geeky!) Today was a competition where we did a dressage test (which went horribly wrong for me) and a jumping course (that actually went well despite the fact that I havn't jumped in four years!) This is a photograph of one of the girls from the intermediate group. I wanted to get as many "action shots" as I could to put on their website so I was killing too birds with one stone as I can put them up on my blog too.

Tuesday 15 January 2008

Call me 1305

I also felt the urge to photograph my room number plate thing. 1305 is a big part of my life right now. It's my other identity.


And this is how I recover from my long long day... that and making stupid videos with my camera when I fail to take any good photographs! I also thought the mug was amusing.. it screams "desperate alcoholic student". Ah well. It's not a sock so it's OK.

Sally Mann

So I didn't do so great on my essay but it could have been worse! I do tend to ramble on and repeat myself when I run out of things to say... like I'm probably going to start doing now! Because I really don't want to talk about this essay... I hate it!

Monday 14 January 2008

alien chicken

Today I decided I really need to buy some more food. Luckily, we had a professional chef come to our flat, as he was a friend of one of my flatmate's, and cook us a "proper meal". This made me decide to photograph my own chicken I'd bought a few days earlier which does not look so appetizing. If you look closely, they actually look like aliens from a horror movie leaking blood! One of them is even growing what look like whiskers from its leg and they're sort of huddling together like they're plotting an evil scheme. Can't wait for tea tomorrow.

Friday 11 January 2008

what a view!

This is a photograph of my flat window and some of the view. Today has been a stressful/depressing day which I think comes across in this picture! I made it black an white to emphasise the greyness and dreariness.